Monday, August 30, 2010


Yay! I figured out how to fix the design of my blog!!! Like???


  1. but, the pink lettering is a little hard to read.

  2. I do like it.

    The headings are kind of hard to read for me--the red-orange color is saturated about the same as the green background. It would work better if it was closer to the darkness of the body text. Also, your grey visited link color (A:visited) is practically invisible.

    Personally, I would prefer a light body text (probably white), because the background is dark.

    That's my professional critique. Otherwise? It's quite lovely. :-)

  3. That better? :-D

    I did try the light body text, and it looked a little strange because all the other text was darker. I also tried it straight black, but it was rather stark looking, so I settled on a dark gray. Thanks for the tips!


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